
Microsoft giveth, Microsoft taketh

On May 1st, Microsoft e-mailed me to congratulate me:

Today, the e-mail was to take that away:

The basic justification given for that was that the Intune product group was not comfortable sharing NDA information with me.

My first stint at an MVP lasted only a few months before I joined Microsoft; this one ended pretty much before it even got started.

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6 replies »

  1. This is truly sad to read. I remember when all your Ignite sessions were full beyond capacity with a crazy-long line waiting for a chance to get in (rock star status). Hopefully you will keep supporting us with your great content and insightful point of views.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. This is extremely sad and disappointing from Microsoft. Your blog had been an invaluable resource on multiple occasions for our organization, and I look forward to when I see a new article from you in my RSS feed. Microsoft really dropped the ball here. #MakeMichaelMVPAgain

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for sharing this publicly. The constant “noise” of cheering from this bubble obscures the downside of the program. Almost no one (that I know) talks about the impositions and the interest driven cronyism that defines the program. Again, very much appreciated that you made it public – you have a voice.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Truly sad news. 😦 I didn’t know you’d left Microsoft. I’m happy to re-nominate you at any time. Take care, my friend.


  5. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everything you do for the community, and want to nominate you for a JVP (Jeroen Valued Professional). It doesn’t have the same ring or industry recognition (or a fancy award trophy) but you more than qualify. Thanks again for your efforts!


  6. As an 12 year term ex MVP, I can tell you that this program is not what it once was anyway. Unfortunately, the marketing team and the money guys got their hands on it and broke its key objective – REAL feedback from community to product and the opposite.
    I have recently seen many people that do nothing more than “study” to get the MVP status. Its somewhat treated like a qualification now, instead of a community service. I have met some of the smartest AND the dumbest people in this program – exactly because of this Microsoft Madness.
    Sometimes its better being on the outside. 🙂


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