
The https://OofHours.com one-year anniversary

The first post on the new https://oofhours.com website was exactly one year ago today.  Since then, I’ve done 125 posts amounting to a total of 82,000 words, with 600,000 views in total.  Given an average of 500 words per printed page and adding in the images and screenshots, I wrote the equivalent of a 400-page book.  I didn’t quite keep up with my goal of a post per day, as I started to find that the “easy and quick” posts quickly gave way to the “in-depth” posts, but I’m still satisfied with the result and hope you are too.

As always, if you have any topic suggestions, questions, or general feedback, feel free to send me a note at Michael@oofhours.com.

Categories: Miscellaneous

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